El quinto blog a mi haber, wow! No quise borrar el otro que tenia, aunque si lo leo y me rio un poco, porque saben? se ser bastante critica, y eso a veces cae mal, lo aprendi este verano. Quisiera contarles algo mas consistente, una historia inspiradora sobre porque hago este blog, pero resulta que no puedo decirles mas que lo hago por esa imperiosa necesidad que me surge a veces de escribir. Hoy me inspire un poco, vi esa pelicula Julie/Julia, y la encontre patosa pero bonita. Tampoco me comprometo a escribir algo especifico, en mi cabeza rondan una variedad de cosas increibles, como moda, cocina, libros, musica, idiomas, psicologia, arquitectura, cine, etc.
Lo bautize como Rouge Birdie pues... porque me gusta el frances, el color rojo, y siento que este pajarito interno que tengo quiere comenzar a trinar, y que lo deberia dejar. No soy ni insociable ni tampoco en extremo sociable, prefiero una pelicula a una fiesta y un libro a un programa de tele.
En fin, queridos lectores inexistentes aun! Lo que acabo de recordar, y que si me comprometo, es tratar de llevar un diario lo mas descriptivo posible de la famosa carrerilla del ultimo año a la PSU. (Que, para los que no saben, es la Prueba de Seleccion Universitaria, y mi futuro practicamente depende de eso). Maldita prueba, me tienes estudiando en casa con bastantes nervios, porque el colegio aun no lo comienzo hasta el lunes. (Colegio antiguo, terremoto, ustedes entienden). Hasta ahora? te detesto, pero fingire que somos amigas, ten a tus amigos cerca, y a tus enemigos aun mas.
The fifth blog I'm writing, WOW! I didn't wanted to erase the other one, even if I read it and laugh a little bit about it, you know? I'm very alike to make critics, and somethimes that something that isn't very nice, I learned that this summer. I'd like to tell you something more consistent, a very inspiring story about why I'm doing this blog, but the fact is; I can't tell you more than that I'm doing this because that urgent necessity of writing something. Today I was a little bit inspired, I watched that movie Julie/Julia, and I found it a bit dorky but still nice. Also I can't compromise to write something specific, in my head there are a lot of things, an amazing number of things, like fashion, cooking, books, music, languages, psicology, architecture, movies, and still counting.
I named it Rouge Birdie because... well, I like french and the colour red, and I feel that this little bird I have inside mi wants to sing, and I should let him.
Anyways, my dear and inexistents readers (now, I know I'll have some in the future) What I just remembered, and I do promise, is try to keep a journal about the famous PSU challenge. If you dont know what this test is, is the Universitary Selection Test, and its kinda a test that defines your whole future. (Hm... nice isn't it?) DAMN test, you got me studying in my house very nervous, because school hasn't started yet (Old School, Earthquake, you understand) Until now I hate you, but I'll pretend we're friends, you must have your griends close, and your enemies closer.
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