viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Birdie 28 - Be Italian.

Hace tiempo, esos dias que el cine estuvo a 2 lucas, fuimos con mi mamá al cine, y nos metimos a ver dos peliculas de una. Ponyo y Nine. De Ponyo les puedo hablar maravillas por horas, porque me encantan las peliculas de Miyazaki; El Viaje de Chihiro, La Princesa Mononoke, Mi Vecino Totoro. Pero lo que me traumo ese dia fue cuando fuimos a ver Nine. Como fuimos en la mañana un dia de semana, estaba vacia, salvo por dos caballeros. Uno de aspecto bastante decente, pero otro parece que se la paso haciendo "cosillas" en la pelicula, en especial cuando Pé salio bailando. TRAUMA ABSOLUTO! A pesar de eso me gusto la pelicula, porque detesto los musicales (un gusto adquirido de mi madre, que los odia tambien) Me gusto mucho la cancion de Fergie, eso de "Se italiano" grrr! 

 "So you little Italian devils, You want to know about love? Saraghina will tell you.
If you want to make a woman happy, you lie on what you’re born with"

Some time ago, I went to the cinema with my mom, a days when cinema was very cheap, and we saw two movies, one after other; Ponyo and Nine. About Ponyo I can talk wonders for hours, because I love Miyazaki's movies; Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro. But what was my day trauma, was when we went to watch Nine. We went in the morning, one day on the week, so the room was empty, except for two gentlemens. One looked pretty decent, but the other seems like he made some "stuff" in the movie, specially when Pé appeared dancing. ABSOLUTE TRAUMA!  But despite this, I liked the movie, because I hate musicals (an acquired taste from my mother, that hates them too) I liked a lot Fergie's song, that thing about "Be Italian" Grr!

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