domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

Birdie 05 - Happy B-day, Lady Gaga!

Feliz cumpleaños, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta! Asi es, Lady Gaga cumple 24 años, y parece que cada vez que uno dice que ella esta en la cima, sube aun mas. Si soy sincera detesto su estilo de moda, que es DEMASIADO excentrico para mi gusto, pero adoro The Fame (que para los que no saben, es su primer album) en especial la cancion Beautiful Dirty Rich.

Sale bastante guapa en la foto eh? Para la cantidad increible de maquillaje que usa...

Happy Birthday, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta! Yup, Lady Gaga is turning 24, and it seems that when one says that she's on the top, she gets further. If I'm sincere, I totally hate her fashion style, which is TOO much for my taste, but I totally love The fame (her first album).

By the way, she looks very cute on the pic, doesn't she? If you think about the incredibly amount of makeup that she wears...

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