viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Birdie 02 - Quiz

Aun no tengo cabeza para escribir, aunque trate, saben? trate, y la intencion es lo que cuenta (dicen por ahi) asi que en vez de eso hice este Quiz que encontre en internet, y que le hicieron a Kirsten Dunst en una revista (la que por cierto es una de mis actrices favoritas).

Cual es tu idea de perfecta felicidad?
Paz. y Croissants.
Con que figura historica te sientes mas identificada?
Identificada? No sé.
Cual es la persona (viva), que mas admiras?
Mi madre.
Cual es el defecto que mas detestas en ti mismo?

Cual es tu extravagancia mas grande?
Algunas ideas que salen de mi cabeza, algunas piezas de mi closet.

Cual es tu viaje favorito?
Cualquiera en buena compañia. Pero en particular? Los viajes de pequeña, al norte.

Cual consideras que es la virtud mas sobrestimada?
Ser rubio. Ser pechugona.
En que ocasiones mientes?
En estos momentos soy pro-honestidad.

Que persona es a la que mas detestas?
No es detestar, sino que no me simpatiza simplemente... pero prefiero ser dama. Ah, y Bush.

Cual es tu mayor arrepentimiento? 
Hasta ahora ninguno.

Que o quien es el amor de tu vida?
El amor.

Donde y cuando fuiste feliz?
SOY feliz.
Que talento te gustaria tener?
Hablar francés. Fluida y coherentemente, no los rudimientos basicos que tengo, que son bastante charcha.

Cual es tu actual estado mental?
Decepcionada y entregada.
Si pudieras cambiar algo en ti misma, que seria?
No llorar cuando me enojo.

Cual consideras que es tu mayor logro?
Mis amigos.

Si murieses y pudieras regresar como algo o alguien, que crees que serias?
Un pajarito.

Si eligieras en que regresar, que seria?
Elegir? hm... una chica europea.

Cuales son tus posesiones mas preciadas?
Un collar con un colgante de piscis de mi abuela, y mis libros.

Donde te gustaria vivir?
N.Y., Paris, Buenos Aires.

Cual es tu caracteristica mas marcada?
Ni idea, sinceramente.
Que es lo que mas valoras en tus amigos?
Lealtad, por eso tengo pocos
Quienes son tus escritores favoritos?
Salinger, Angeles Mastretta, Poli Délano.

Cual es tu heroe de ficcion favorito?
El principito.

Cuales son tus heroes en la vida real?
Mi bisabuela. 
Que es lo que mas detestas?
Lo individualistas que somos, y lo groseros que eso nos hace ser. Detesto subir al ascensor y esos silencios incomodos, siempre saludo jeje. 
Como te gustaria morir?
Cual es tu motto (frase)?
"Cada corazón es una célula revolucionaria."

I still can't write you know? Ant the intention is what counts (they say so) so instead of writing I made this quiz that I found on internet, and that Kirsten Dunst made for a magazine. (By the way, she's one of my favourite actresses.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Peace. and Croissants. 
Which historical figure you most identify with?
Identify? I don't know.
Which living person do you most admire?
My mom.
Which is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
What is your greatest extravagance?
Some ideas that come out of my head, some pieces of my closet.
What is your favourite journey?
Anyone in good company. But specially? The ones I made when I was little, to the north.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Be blond. Have huge breasts.
On what occasion do you lie?
In this moments I'm pro-honesty.
Which living person do you most despise?
Is not DESPISE... I doesn't like her, but I preffer to be a lady. Oh, and Bush.
What is your greatest regret?
None yet.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
When and where you were happiest?
Which talent would you most like to have?
To speak french, fluid and correctly, not the basic knowledges I've got, that are pretty lame.
What is your current state of mind?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
To not cry when I'm mad.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My friends.
If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
A bird.
What is your most treasured possesion?
A pisces necklace that was of my grandma, and my books.
Where would you like to be?
N.Y., Paris, Buenos Aires.
What is your most marked characteristic?
Sincerely, I don't know.
What do you most value in friends?
Loyalty. That's why a have just a few of TRUE friends.
Who are your favourite writers? 
Salinger, Angeles Mastretta, Poli Délano.
Who is your favourite hero of fiction?
The Little Prince.
Which are your heros in real life?
My great-grandma.
What is that you most dislike?
How individualists we are, and how rude we're because of that. I have jumping into the elevator and those akward silences, thats why I always say hello.
How would you like to die?
What is your motto?
"Every heart is a revolutionary cell"

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